Everyday whenever we venture out of our comfortable homes we have to walk on the government roads sometime or the other, somehow or the other. We are this world's most blessed creatures as we have the privilege of providing the most valuable provision to the passing by vehicles, the passing space. We might be walking, cycling, riding a two wheeler or a four wheeled vehicle however if there was no person on the road considering our presence then it would have been a nightmare moving ahead. Its not an option for us to stay put on the lane and disallow others from freely moving ahead of us. If we think that we are stubborn or may have been made so by the person behind us moving closer to our existence on this road then god forbid what would happen if he manages to cross us recently. There would be words filling up his mouth so casually out of distaste, frustration or anger which would never have happened if we allowed them ahead of us on time and as per their will. Its all in the mind whether we either know or don't know what is required of us when we are on the well populated road of vehicles and human beings. We need to be constantly visualising our environment, our vicinity and the probability of other people arriving in our environment. For example if we are on a two wheeler then we know we have the blessing of passing others through narrow spaces which the other people on cars, vans or buses/trucks do not have. There needs to be a semblance that we care of others and therefore we would get it back from them somehow. Problem is that since two human beings do not think absolutely alike there is a possibility of these differences appearing on the road when you interact through vehicles. People nowadays are so careless, maybe you might have a conception but remember you too are being watched by others. So don't let others make a perception of you being a fool on the road which you never was. There is a narrow street(I reiterate, a street and not a highway!) where people (as pedestrians) are walking, autorickshaws are mowing down and two wheelers are grumbling ahead. Think now that you are a cyclist on this particular street of terror, passing by all of them is not a piece of cake so you better mind your moves, let the faster one through earlier and then go descending thereby you being faster than the pedestrians can cross them easily by clinking on your bell. Let us think the other way around, you are the autorickshaw driver and have a housefull cab! You need to see the space available to you rather than honking incessantly and creating an unwanted chaos, your jurisdiction will bring smiles to the onlookers and people will appreciate if you slowly move ahead rather than creating a panicky situation on the street. We all know suddenly something can happen on the road, some crooked boy may turn up from a blind street out of nowhere(gods wrath hath cometh!) or a motorcycle might think himself to be on the racing circuit yet your judgement and actions will make things usual if you use peripheral vision properly. Nowadays I do not find people using peripheral vision which is some kind of blessing from the Gods. It actually lets you see things however not entirely but enough to alert you of their existence. Use your eyes well, wear proper powered glasses and do NOT be casual on the road. Your own life is supposedly not your own anyday as it is always ruled by your parents, your wife, your kind or even your friend! So please don't think that you can go as you like and noone would give a damn to your thinking so. HELMETS are must for two wheelers as I myself learned it on the road when my head got saved from a divider blow and injury subsequently. Please learn that pedestrians are the most lazy things to have existed on the road, so let them have their way. Finally I would urge the truck drivers to please keep their intoxications for their night sleeps rather than executing them hazily on the road. God Bless, drive safe.